Ask anybody on Main Street whether it makes any sense to allow foreign countries to charge higher tariffs than we charge them, and the answer will surely be a resounding 'heck no!'
Russia engages in a malign influence campaign all over the world. I would expect that they would try to undermine democracy here just that they - as they have in other places.
Democrats justify anything they do against Trump as being righteous, even if it's morally wrong or even if it's illegal, because they're so driven to stop Trump.
The biggest threat to the Trump movement is that Republicans in office demoralize our base because the only way we win now is by driving turnout among our voters. And if our voters just think we're weak, we don't fight, we don't do the things we say when we get elected? Then there is no future for us.
I have to say, I have never watched 'Infowars.' I know that they say zany things that are patently untrue. But I also think that MSNBC says zany things that are patently untrue.
A melting Arctic creates a more permissive environment for Russia and China to seize territory.
No one wants to be the next Pete Rose.
People in the media grew up in the Northeast and can't comprehend the notion that there are people who like to go out to the clay pits and shoot and, afterward, go eat fried chicken.
It is bizarre to see the NFL attacking an America that has treated it so well over the years. Taxpayers pay over 70 percent of the cost of stadiums. Our citizens pay more and more for tickets, and valuations of professional sports franchises have skyrocketed. Player compensation keeps growing.
Democrats want to peer into every second of President Trump's life, hoping to find a smoking gun.
The reality of climate change is a stupid thing to argue about.
In some egregious cases, cities built new stadiums even while their citizens were still paying off old stadiums that had since closed. This is corporate welfare run amok, and a gross misuse of American citizens' tax money - something the government must treat with respect.
President Trump's coalition clearly involves creating massive turnout in areas where he's popular.