Christmastime is about hope with what God did for us and with the expression of His love through the gift He gave us at Christmastime, which was Jesus... the one who heals us, who saves us, who delivers us, who is there in our darkest moments.
My wife was an amazing, amazing person. Sophia's Heart is an organization that I founded in honor of my wife when she passed away. When she passed away it was a complete shock, and it was disappointment, anger. I felt all those emotions.
I drove an 18-wheeler semi-truck, a big rig. I liked it actually.
Many people don't have an internal vision to go after something, fight for something, make a plan. So the biggest thing is - until you get picked up by a major label or until something breaks, you need to plan out what your dream is going to be.
In our culture, I feel like everyone just wants the good life, the dream life, but I'm learning to embrace suffering because with suffering there's so much good that comes out of it.
Being on 'American Idol,' the blessings of glasses have rained from the sky. I really would like to start a Danny line or a Gokey line of eyeglasses.