It’s all about having the heart … to leave the city and its false glitter for home if you’ve tried long enough and still can’t make it. I would be a big liar to tell you it’s easy to survive after having left home for years. You’re almost like a child when you return – you are starting from the scratch. But you have to behave like a child too if you’re ready to survive; be ever eager to learn. Get ready to take insults from every village rats set to eat your yams of respect and pride. Toe the line till you settle down properly and begin to understand the ways of the people back home. People would laugh at you at first but when your conditions start improving, everyone would laugh with you. Don’t forget the saying of our people: the same mouth that speaks of evil is the same mouth that speaks of good. It’s the heart to go back not minding the years that have been wasted. That is the secret.
I have realized in Every struggle to achieve A good thing in life, You'll meet opposition. Don't be daunted, Stay determined and focussed And somehow you'd get To your destination. Obstructions are only Artificial walls that Are hammered down By your doggedness. You have to prove You have resilience Before you finally Can cruise to success. And don't be surprised That success brings Everyone wanting To hop into your bus – They would hug, hail And cheer; everyone would Celebrate you, of course. Everything you do, Do it well and this Would bring you every Single friend and fan. In everyone is the streak of A champion: we step out With our talent to further Our fabulous plan.
As we all know, life remains a mystery with so many things we would never get to their bottoms no matter how we try digging. The only thing I know, if I may borrow a saying from a friend of mine, is that the One who makes the snail to crawl slowly blesses it with ability to climb and hide among the leaves.