If I don't work very often, it's because what I read is written for formidable actresses, but actresses who make a habit of playing with their cup half full.
For me to get up and feel the urge to go to the set and all that, I have to feel there is something tremendously vibrating to achieve there. I need to lose sometimes a consciousness of the person and the reality in order to be happy to come back into the reality and happier to live it for this cause, to be an artist in this life.
I take risks, but I don't lose respect for my real self. Because what's going to happen afterwards? How are you going to get back? Is there going to be a train, or will it be after midnight and you can't go home again?
I find the heated political debate over the burkini both ridiculous and dangerous.
There has already been the karmic work: that what life has transformed in me, this initiation brought on, of necessity, by trials.
I've learned that to expose yourself, to reveal yourself is a test of your humanness.