Any doctor will admit that any drug can have side effects, and that writing a prescription involves weighing the potential benefits against the risks.
On the mountains mistakes are fatal. In politics, mistakes are wounding emotionally, but you recover. Personally, wilderness helps me get back in touch with natural rhythms, helps me reflect and, in the process, restore my creativity.
Throughout my years of public service, I've listened to the voices of the gay and lesbian community, whether through whispered confidences or public declarations. I understand what it truly means to say that all people should be treated equally, and I'll always stand up for fair and equal treatment of gay and lesbian Americans.
Stem cells have the potential to be used to treat and better understand some of the world's most deadly and disabling diseases.
We all recognize that Colorado and our nation have a long and storied tradition of gun ownership for hunting, outdoor recreation and self-defense. However, I am not convinced that combat weapons are necessarily part of that heritage.
Genuine dialogue, not rhetorical bomb-throwing, leads to progress.