WikiLeaks, God bless them, will save lives as a result of their actions.
I did not like 'The Hurt Locker.' It's a lazy way to make a movie, frankly. I could put you on the edge of your seat quite easily, and have you feel the tension for 2 hours, if every other scene practically is, 'Should we cut the red wire or the green wire?'
I don't like to sit around whining about the corporate media, how they control everything, own everything. We already know that.
When you come from the working class and you do well enough whereby you can provide a little bit better for your family, get a decent roof over their head and send them to a good school, that's considered a good thing.
It's a lot of hard work to do a weekly TV show. It's certainly not fun.
I don't want to do anything that violates my own personal code of ethics and morals.