Learn from professionals and experts to save you time and effort. The shortest way to learn something is by learning from those who spent long years gaining the experience and reaching professionalism. Their knowledge is what will help you make fewer mistakes and errors in what you want to learn.
The educational systems should rely on three solid foundations: enhancing values, life skills, and formal educational curriculum. Each of these bases completes the other, none of them can stand on its own. There is no use of having smart students who don't show respect and compassion, or know how to live by values in life.
Compassion, kindness, empathy, sympathy, mercy, and understanding are six connected values that ‎should be implanted in the young generation, as they are what motivates people to help and stand ‎for each other. A heart that is filled with mercifulness is a heart that will help its society and the whole ‎world to continue, improve, and thrive.‎
Just like providing healthy food, clean water, comfortable home, good education and health care to children is a must and a right, teaching them how to read books passionately is a skill that they need to live in life living by values, and think logically, and know what's right from wrong, and have a compassionate heart.