I am not proposing that we bring our oil and auto industries to a screeching halt. There is still time to begin a series of gradual steps toward new transportation and energy policies, livable cities, and more humane, efficient transit systems.
Lady Bird Johnson did more than plant flowers in public places. She served the country superbly by planting environmental values in the minds of the nation's leaders and citizens.
Cherish sunsets, wild creatures and wild places. Have a love affair with the wonder and beauty of the earth.
The choice facing the American people is not between growth and stagnation, but between short-term growth and long-term disaster.
Auto executives have shunned the limits-of-growth issues and concentrated nearly all their energies on the next quarter's sales and next year's models.
I don't remember a big fight between the Republicans and Democrats in the Nixon administration or President Gerald Ford and so on.