As species are exterminated by shifting climate zones, ecosystems can collapse, destroying more species.
There are many who would much prefer that the word 'climate' never be mentioned and that the issue be eliminated from our national conversation.
Americans mostly now believe the climate is changing. They believe that humans are causing it, and they believe that it is a risk. But in surveys, Americans are not willing to pay higher energy prices to tackle the problem.
Cultural values are, in themselves, neutral as well as universal, and so much depends on how individuals or ethnic groups use them. Values are influenced by so many factors such as geography, climate, religion, the economy and technology.
Among all the tests President Obama faced in his first term, his biggest failure was climate change.
In a climate where governments are limited in what they can spend, trade and investment offer a path to fiscally responsible growth.
In Montana, whether you're a farmer, whether you're a fisherman... you know that the climate is changing, and we need to do something about it.
Going meatless reduces our carbon footprint and helps us lead the way towards climate change.
The fact is fossil fuel carbon will stay in the surface climate system for millennia.
When elected officials and others contribute to a climate and culture that fosters hyper-partisanship, we've got to blow the whistle.
The science linking the increased frequency and severity of extreme weather to the climate crisis has matured tremendously in the last couple of years.
The climate is doing its usual tricks. There's nothing much really happening yet. We were supposed to be halfway toward a frying world now.
I think the days of the climate deniers are over. To deny basic science is to risk the trust of the general public.
Geological change usually takes thousands of years to happen but we are seeing the climate changing not just in our lifetimes but also year by year.
I am gravely concerned about climate change.
As a California state legislator, I supported our cap-and-trade law to force polluters to pay for releasing harmful greenhouse gases to combat climate change.
I would much rather we concentrated on the immediate, still-potent dangers, such as nuclear weapons, runaway climate change, and so on. Sort those out, then worry about Hal 9000.
2007, according to a Harris poll, 71 percent of Americans believed that climate change was real, that it was human caused.
We are already experiencing the symptoms of climate change, especially with a hotter and drier climate in southern Australia - the rush to construct desalination plants is an expensive testament to that.
Many diseases including malaria, dengue, meningitis - just a few examples - these are what we call climate-sensitive diseases, because such climate dimensions for rainfall, humidity and temperature would influence the epidemics, the outbreaks, either directly influencing the parasites or the mosquitoes that carry them.