No one can forecast the economy with certainty.
Foreign aid projects have pumped billions of dollars into the Afghan economy.
We need an economy that fosters and encourages competition and innovation.
Manufacturing and commercial monopolies owe their origin not to a tendency imminent in a capitalist economy but to governmental interventionist policy directed against free trade and laissez faire.
The problem is, is that President Bush and the Republican leadership in the Congress have resisted attempts to increase dramatically our fuel economy standards over the last five years.
Statutory authority to improve fuel economy has existed for 35 years at the Transportation Department, and it still exists today.
Simply raising fuel economy standards for passenger cars and light trucks to 33 miles per gallon would eliminate our oil imports from the Persian Gulf.
The U.S. uses most of its oil for transportation. We can limit U.S. demand for oil by requiring automakers to use the technology that already exists to improve fuel economy - technology that the automakers refuse to bring into the market despite societal demand.
Geoffrey Howe's Budget of 1981 is remembered for transforming the economy and delivering economic freedoms to families and businesses.
We're so interdependent, and what one country does is such an important part of what happens in the global economy.
The whole of the global economy is based on supplying the cravings of two per cent of the world's population.
New Zealand obviously is fully integrated into the global economy.
I support a robust economy where agriculture and businesses are able to compete in a fair and open global market.
Reagan's defense buildup and SDI, so ridiculed at the time, pressed Gorbachev, while his economy was collapsing, to make arms deals and improve relations with the West, which contributed to the unraveling of his empire.
Gorilla tourism is vital to Rwanda's economy: It's the third highest source of income.
We should reduce total government spending as a percentage of the economy.
Lower taxes, less government spending on domestic programs and fewer regulations mean a better economy for everybody.
The Greek people deserve an economy that is not burdened forever by a heavy bureaucracy and a bloated public sector.
Conservatives have long argued, correctly, that 'fine-tuning' the economy is a chimera, but that argument seems to have disappeared from the conservative handbook.
Health reform is an essential part of restoring America's economy and maintaining our competitiveness.