Purpose is what gives life a meaning.
Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose-a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.
The poor man is not he who is without a cent, but he who is without a dream.
He is conscious of touching the highest pinnacle of fulfillment... when he is consumed in the service of an idea, in the conquest of the goal pursued.
The great and glorious masterpiece of man is to know how to live to purpose.
Great minds have purposes, others have wishes.
Unless you give yourself to some great cause, you haven't even begun to live.
If we could only give, just once, the same amount of reflection to what we want to get out of life that we give to the question of what to do with a two weeks' vacation, we would be startled at our false standards and the aimless procession of our busy days.
Be a life long or short, its completeness depends on what it was lived for.
To live means to have ... a mission to fulfill-and in the measure in which we avoid setting our life to something, we make it empty.
To seek one's goals and to drive toward it, steeling one's heart, is most uplifting!
The true worth of a man is to be measured by the objects he pursues.
A useless life is an early death.
My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, "You're tearing up the grass." "We're not raising grass," Dad would reply. "We're raising boys."
Without a purpose, nothing should be done.
To grow and know what one is growing towards-that is the source of all strength and confidence in life.
Our plans miscarry because they have no aim. When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind.
Every true man, sir, who is a little above the level of the beasts and plants, lives so as to give a meaning and a value to his own life.
Men cannot for long live hopefully unless they are embarked upon some great unifying enterprise, one for which they may pledge their lives, their fortunes and their honor.
No pleasure philosophy, no sensuality, no place nor power, no material success can for a moment give such inner satisfaction as the sense of living for good purpose.