Category: Learning 101

10 Must-Read Photography Books for All Photographers
Learning 101, Hobbies June 17th, 2020

10 Must-Read Photography Books for All Photographers

No matter your camera of choice, for those interested in taking their passion a step further than just posting random photos on Instagram, several books are available that highlight and teach about the importance of photography and its techniques. Here are 10 must-read photography books that every photographer should own.
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Raghav Modi
Raghav Modi Writer
Best Books on Consciousness - Recommendations by Peter Watts
Non-Fiction, Learning 101 April 20th, 2020

Best Books on Consciousness - Recommendations by Peter Watts

During our recent AMA with award winning hard science-fiction novelist and marine biologist Peter Watts, we talked about a range of topics from free-will to the future of language & artificial intelligence. We also took the opportunity to talk about Consciousness and asked Dr.Watts for some book recommendations on the subject. These are four titles that are his personal favorites, as well as books he recommends to gain a deeper understanding of consciousness β€” one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in biology and evolution.
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Raza Adil
Raza Adil Writer
14 Words to Make You Fall in Love with Books and Reading Again!
Learning 101 April 1st, 2020

14 Words to Make You Fall in Love with Books and Reading Again!

There's nothing more endearing for a book lover than to come across words that talk about the delights associated with reading. These words are unique for they have a way to describe, often precisely, the feelings of a compulsive reader, and elaborate on how they think, emote, and act when around books. Some of these bookish words highlight the euphoria of coming across the desired title while others share the many uncertainties of lifelong bookworms. Entertaining, honest, and peculiar, here are 14 bookish words that need to be in every bibliophile's vocabulary.
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Raghav Modi
Raghav Modi Writer
Essential History: The Best Books for History Buffs
Learning 101, Non-Fiction, History March 8th, 2020

Essential History: The Best Books for History Buffs

History helps us develop a better understanding of the events that have shaped the world around us and make sense of the present. As a subject that enables us to gain insight into the rise and fall of civilizations and to learn how society, technology, religion, literature, and science have evolved over the centuries, reading history is indispensable. Whether it's a keen interest in a particular epoch or event or a general love for the past, all of us like to dabble in a little history reading from time to time; for this precise reason, we've put together a list of five books to quench the thirst of the history buff inside you.
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Raza Adil
Raza Adil Writer
The Most Effective Marketing Books
Non-Fiction, Learning 101, Business February 14th, 2020

The Most Effective Marketing Books

Marketing and Selling is an art that demands charisma, persuasion, and natural intuition, but in a world where marketers continue to compete aggressively for people's attention and money, sometimes even those qualities aren't enough to close a sale. Fortunately, many of the world's greatest marketers and thought-leaders have written some incredible books to share their mistakes and experiences, in order to teach us tactics and strategies that work vis-Γ -vis those that don't. Here are some of the best marketing books you can read to crush your marketing strategy and gain an edge over your competition in 2020. 
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Raza Adil
Raza Adil Writer
7 Best Psychology Books To Understand Human Behavior

7 Best Psychology Books To Understand Human Behavior

In the past fifty years, scientists have made extraordinary leaps in the field of medical science, helping us understand the complex inner workings of our bodies. However, the mind still remains an unsolved mystery, baffling and confusing us to this day. While scientists are still working on definitive answers to questions such as why we dream, what is consciousness, and how intelligence can be defined, a lot of amazing books have been written on the human mind, books that reveal many of its previously hidden secrets. To help you in this quest for answers, we've curated a list of 7 great psychology books that will help you understand this marvel of evolution a little better.
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Raza Adil
Raza Adil Writer
The Four Best Introductory Books on Philosophy
Personal Development, Learning 101 January 27th, 2020

The Four Best Introductory Books on Philosophy

Philosophy can be one of those complex subjects that intimidate novices, but for us to gain insight into the nature of being, of time, and the meaning of life itself, we all need at least a basic understanding of this discipline. Socrates famously said β€œThe unexamined life is not worth living,” - and thus we have created a reading list comprising four of the best introductory books that will gently ease you into the realm of philosophy.
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Raza Adil
Raza Adil Writer