Finding the key will set you free. The Key to WELLNESS The Key to HAPPINESS The Key to SUCCESS The Key to FREEDOM The Key to your HEART what does that Key look like? It could be as simple as knowledge, understanding,forgiveness,awareness,courage letting go,trusting your SOUL,following your HEART YOU are the KEY, YOU set yourself FREE
True friendship is when you can allow and accept each other without conditions, ultimatums, expectations, demands or hidden agendas.
Speak up, be honest, be truthful, avoidance makes matters worse and only creates more anguish, it does not prevent the inevitable happening.
Getting caught up in the drama only creates more drama. Take an intermission, step out, chill out, ask yourself, what is this drama really about, what role am I playing?
When you judge or criticize someone else, take a long look in the mirror at yourself, for what you judge in others is really reflecting something you.
What if, everything is simply an experience, no good,bad, right,wrong, simply an experience that we can learn and grow from.
Trust your inner guidance and follow your heart, for your soul has your blueprint and the universe has your back.
Loving yourself first fills your own heart with love. If there is no love in your heart, then how can you give love?
A question not asked, remains unanswered