You look at 'Arrested Development' or 'Community,' we're constantly either deconstructing genre or tone. We like to say it's like being a mad scientist: you get to play in a laboratory and experiment with directions to take narrative in.
I always say one of the great scenes from 'The Dirty Dozen' is where Jim Brown has to get grenades in the chimney.
I've seen 'Goodfellas' a hundred times, and one of the things that I take away from that movie is dynamic pacing and energy. I just think that film is sort of a paragon of excellence in filmmaking and the compression of narrative.
We grew up on Scorsese and Coppola and '70s crime thrillers.
What we do is service a story first, and then you figure out how to pay for it later. If the narrative isn't your primary focus, then the movie is going to become diluted, and you don't have a movie that is as good as it could be, so it probably won't make as much money.
I'm more compelled as an artist to see diversification than I am to keep watching an Anglo point of view in storytelling.
We like layers of character and personality in our storytelling. We like very distinctive, unique personalities interacting with each other. And I think, because there are two of us, and we're a collective, we identify with that. We call it the mastermind principle: Two minds aren't doubly better than one - they're exponentially better than one.
I've had emotional experiences in VR that I haven't been able to have in two-dimensional experiences.
Anthony and I are putting together a company where we won't lose our jobs based on quarterly earnings and can afford to play a longer game. That short game is what creates a glut of mediocrity in the market because people are desperate for hits, and it puts so much pressure on executives to deliver them. We will take that pressure off the artists.
It was always the intent, in a larger arc, to split the Avengers up before the greatest threat that they've ever seen.
Being a global citizen makes you a more interesting person.
Chris Nolan went through Slamdance a year and a half after us, and he went on to direct 'The Dark Knight.' So the joke now is if you want to make superhero movies, that's where you have to go.
I think there's a lot of people in their dingy boats in the middle of the ocean pining for the days of closed-ended narrative.
Marvel is a very streamlined studio.
In 'Winter Soldier' - in terms of character-based, 'Winter Soldier' was so specifically for us: everything in that movie was designed around that version of Captain America that we wanted to see, that we wanted to explore. Everything in that film, all of the stylistic choices just flow from that.
If you look at what we did with 'Winter Soldier' with the Cap character in terms of bringing him into the modern world, trying to ground the movie tonally into something that was a step toward real-world, at least to the degree you can do that in a superhero movie, that's still the tonal universe that we're playing in 'Civil War.'
First favorite character growing up was Spider-Man, second was Wolverine.