One may have said this, or the other may have thought it, but it hung invisibly between them like a spider web between trees. Some things between those who are close do not need to be spoken to be understood.
I could know every detail of your history but you will always surprise me with your thoughts.
Sex is a world of opposites. The filthy acts we crave with one person are often completely repugnant with another …imagine the difference, even in a kiss.
How many meanings are there for the word love? How many nuances and shades of feeling when each should have its own? Why are there so few words for the things that are so important and so many for those that are not? Lina had no answer for this, but… …because language is both wonderful and yet limiting, it comes from things that can be shared so that we can agree on a term for it. Some experiences and emotions can never be shown to each other, so there can be no word. It’s why we crave the beauty hidden within a metaphor; things that cannot be expressed, only sensed somewhere in the space between words.
For Patrick, watching Lina change is like watching a magical and impossible creature emerge from a cocoon. Her muscles have become toned and she’s lost some of the roundness in her face. Not at all gaunt or muscular, she is only more efficient - as if nature had removed some of the things she no longer needed…. …and as she steps lightly to the cupboard in bare feet, they barely seem to touch the floor. She appears to float, both weightless and powerful. She has become part of the air that surrounds them and the air that he breathes. She is too perfect for him, he knows. She always had been.