Choose to hustle now, to work hard now, to make all the sacrifice now. So that you can enjoy your tomorrow. Whatever it is that you suppose to do now. If you don't do it now, it will affect you badly for the rest of your life.
There is no shame doing the right things In front of everyone, Even if they all judge you badly and criticize you. But there are consequences, when you do bad things, Even if everyone is by your side, supporting and cheering for you. Choose to do right, because everything you do, comes back to you.
Its Choose Day I know you can do lot of things, but choose one thing you are great at. Choose one thing that stands out in you. Shine on it, focus on it , amplify and enhance it .
Some people choose you to be important in their lives. Don’t take them for granted. Look down on them or think they are fools. The same way , they chose you to be important in their lives. They can choose you not to be.
What you choose also chooses you.
The job facing American voters… in the days and years to come is to determine which hearts, minds and souls command those qualities best suited to unify a country rather than further divide it, to heal the wounds of a nation as opposed to aggravate its injuries, and to secure for the next generation a legacy of choices based on informed awareness rather than one of reactions based on unknowing fear.
The choice to make good choices is the best choice you can choose. Fail to make that choice and on most choices you will lose.
We are from Stone age, Bronze age and Iron age, but now I think we are in the doomed age. We are too quick to cancel other people in life as if we are not making mistakes of our own. We are too quick to ruin someone's life and bring others down. We are too quick to insult others and cyber bully them. We are not afraid to lie just to destroy others image or reputation. We are doing everything for clout, even it means destroying everyone's happiness and life. We promote hate and division . We rejoice when others fail, lose their jobs, lose what they worked hard for or accomplished. When they divorce or go through hard times or heartbreak. We laugh when others are not making it in life and are experiencing pain. We do all this In the name of poverty, that we are also suffering. I just hope you will chose to differ. I just hope you will treat people the same way you want to be treated in this doomed internet age.
Don’t be eager in believing lies by ignoring the truth. Don’t fall for lies when you know the truth, because of your loyalty and support to the person who is telling the lies.
Check if whatever you are entertaining, benefits you or breaks you. Check if it builds you or destroy you. E.g some entertain rumors, lies and hate, meanwhile others entertain ideas, feedback, opportunities and advice.
Most of the people who are winning in life. Have one thing in common. When they been asked, How they made it. They say they had someone who believed in them. If you want to make it. Choose to hang around people who believe in you.
The reason we are not moving forward , progressing or being successful is the hate we have for one another. Is the jealousy we have for others. We choose to destroy what they have build or worked hard for, rather than building our own things. I just hope that today you will chose to build yourself than to destroy others.
When some people are choosing to work hard, not sleeping , sacrificing everything they have to fulfill their dreams. There are some who choose to interfere in their lives. Who dig in their pasts and who look for mistakes so that they can bring them down. Today if you Choose to use the same energy, skill, effort, data and resources to bring others down, or shaming them. Use it to better your life. You will go far and you will be successful just like them.