What's that supposed to mean? A wolf's head on a stick. Big wolf barbecue tonight? Bring your own wolf?
A lonely day is God's way of saying that he wants to spend some quality time with you.
اذا كان الانسان مع الله كان الله معه وأرسل له عند الحاجة علامات تدل على ذلك.
Contradiction is not a sign of falsity, nor the lack of contradiction a sign of truth.
Gratitude was never meant to be an excuse for giving up on the obstacles God has put before you. Some of the most magical things he can bring us require faith and a lot of planning.
I look for a sign. Where to go next. you never know when you'll get one. Even the most faithless among us are waiting to be proven wrong.
The universe speaks in clues and signs, gentle nudges and hints, rather than pontifications and proverbs, commandments and condemnations. I have trusted its signs all my life, which is why I listened when it seemed like it wanted me back here.
In the end we're all on a journey of sorts. We wait for a sign or something that attracts our attention. Look for a deeper meaning to it all. That's what poetry is for. Searching.
Even as my father grew up in Boston, Massachusetts, signs told him: 'No Irish Need Apply.'
Surrealism is a bourgeois disaffection; that its militants thought it universal is only one of the signs that it is typically bourgeois.
One of the signs of a bad coworker is a pattern of persistent undermining - intentionally hindering a colleague's success, reputation, or relationships.
From behind the Iron Curtain, there are signs that tyranny is in trouble and reminders that its structure is as brittle as its surface is hard.
Storage problems make neon signs the most ephemeral of commercial arts.
Know when to fold. Pay attention to the signs. They're there.
Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.
I have been very blessed in that I have been completely fine. No headaches, no depression... absolutely no signs of post-concussion syndrome.
Terrorists don't heed 'gun-free' signs.
Underlings look up to the boss for behavioral cues, subtle signs, hints and gestures.
The signs, proofs, and evidences of Divine unity are incalculable.
People have almost been lulled into complacency because there are no signs over the water fountains. But the signs have been in the policies. There's still housing discrimination and wage discrimination.