Stone, steel, dominions pass, Faith too, no wonder; So leave alone the grass That I am under.
Persistence is to the character of man as carbon is to steel.
Broken glass can be mended. Even steel can be repaired and even welded. but Trust, once broken...
When I was 16 years old, I assembled a 2.3 million electron volt beta particle accelerator. I went to Westinghouse, I got 400 pounds of translator steel, 22 miles of copper wire, and I assembled a 6-kilowatt, 2.3 million electron accelerator in the garage.
In the steel industry the corporations generally have accepted collective bargaining and negotiated wage agreements with the Committee for Industrial Organization.
I was playing with steel picks on a steel guitar, and there was no amplification needed.
Industrial technologies that allowed for increased mechanization in 19th-century armed forces also spurred Frederick Winslow Taylor to develop his 'Scientific Management' doctrine in Philadelphia steel mills.
It's nice knowing we're putting the banjo, the fiddle, the steel, and the mandolin back out front.
Trump built Trump Tower using mob concrete, not Bethlehem steel.
I started working for Bethlehem Steel when I was about 16 during the summers.
I worked at the Steel Company Of Wales when I was 17. My job was to supply tools to the guys working the blast furnaces.
I used to unwind the wire tags that labeled the crates of vegetables and took the fine brass and steel wires and braided and twisted them together to make bracelets, rings, and figures.
Iron which is brought near a spiral of copper wire, traversed by an electrical current, becomes magnetic, and then attracts other pieces of iron, or a suitably placed steel magnet.
Generations of thinkers have made typewriters their frenemies, and long before there were Gmail inboxes, print correspondence stacked up, some hastily written and impulsive on the steel gadgets.
There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one's self.
I wanted to call it 'Experiment' because it's all kinds of different sounds. We have a bunch of instruments on there that are basically going extinct, like the fiddle, the steel guitar, the slide.
I try to make pieces that are durable. One of the reasons that I work in steel is durability.
I have this kind of mild nice-guy exterior, but inside my heart is like a steel trap.
I got to where I couldn't listen to country radio. Country music is supposed to have steel and fiddle. When I hear country music, it should be country.
The finest steel has to go through the hottest fire.