The basic idea of email has remained essentially unchanged since the first networked message was sent in 1971. And while email is great for one-on-one, formal correspondence, there are far better tools for collaboration.
When we uphold the rule of law, our counterterrorism tools are more likely to withstand the scrutiny of our courts, our allies, and the American people.
A wide range of possible fiscal policy tools and approaches could enhance the cyclical stability of the economy. For example, steps could be taken to increase the effectiveness of the automatic stabilizers, and some economists have proposed that greater fiscal support could be usefully provided to state and local governments during recessions.
Abstraction is one of the greatest visionary tools ever invented by human beings to imagine, decipher, and depict the world.
I ask the American people to consider the legacy this administration has handed us in the defense budget as we spend billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars without the tools and ability to track these dollars.
Every writer has to figure out what works best - and often has to select and discard different tools before they find the one that fits.
The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house.
We have the insight and the tools to identify and bring to fruition the dormant talent that our artists possess. Favored Nations will be branded as the home base for inspired musical talent.
Drones can be useful tools, and I am all about useful tools. One of my mottos is 'the right tool for the right job.'
South Africa has all the tools to compete in the new global village - an eager workforce, ready to take on any challenge.
What we can do is provide the tools, through our educational system, for people to be able to tell sense from nonsense. These tools include the scientific method, skeptical questioning, empirical evidence, verifying sources, etc.
Empowerment isn't a buzzword among leadership gurus. It's a proven technique where leaders give their teams the appropriate training, tools, resources, and guidance to succeed.
Since its enactment in the weeks following the September 11 terrorist attacks, the tools in the Patriot Act have been used by law enforcement to stop more than 400 terrorist threats to our families and communities.
Under the cover of encryption, terror masterminds provide recruits with the tactics and tools necessary to carry out attacks using small arms and explosives. None of this requires any overseas travel.
Though we endow them with human features - heads, faces, heels, toes - golf clubs are profoundly inhuman tools.
In a 21st-century economy, it is critical that we equip our nation's children with the tools they need to compete in a global marketplace.
I've always been very upfront about the way I write, and I've always used the tools humorists use, such as exaggeration.
We are gods. Our tools make us gods. In symbiosis with our technology, our powers are expanding exponentially and so, too, our possibilities.
One of my primary objects is to form the tools so the tools themselves shall fashion the work and give to every part its just proportion.
Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all.