I think you can have a ridiculously enormous and complex data set, but if you have the right tools and methodology then it's not a problem.
I've done pretty well as a professional fed-up. The tools of my trade so far have been irony, tongue-in-cheek mockery, and supercilious contempt, but these are highly civilized weapons designed for 18th-century French salons.
Less than 1 percent of ancient Egypt has been discovered and excavated. With population pressures, urbanization, and modernization encroaching, we're in a race against time. Why not use the most advanced tools we have to map, quantify, and protect our past?
With population pressures, urbanization, and modernization encroaching, we're in a race against time. Why not use the most advanced tools we have to map, quantify, and protect our past?
Myths are wonderful tools that we've had, oh, for eons now that help us navigate the situations we find ourselves in.
New technologies, however remarkable they might seem, are fundamentally just tools made by people for people.
There's nothing really connecting the behavior of the Nile, metallurgy, and the behavior of prices except that I had the mathematical tools to explain them.
Pell grants are critical tools for lower- and middle-income students to access higher education, and by expanding access to year-round courses, we can help non-traditional students complete their education sooner, allowing them to start their careers and pay off their loans.
Many applications of the coincidence method will therefore be found in the large field of nuclear physics, and we can say without exaggeration that the method is one of the essential tools of the modern nuclear physicist.
If the fiscal cliff occurs, I don't think the Federal Reserve has the tools to offset that event.
I learned at an early stage that the most important thing I could do for my players was to give them the tools necessary to beat their opponent.
I've never been paid by or colluded with any Russian to hack the D.N.C., to create search-engine optimization tools to cause Trump's positives up and Hillary's negatives up. I've never been to Prague.
As I mentioned previously, the tools that allow for optimum health are diet and exercise.
Just as our roads and bridges are overdue for investment, so is the infrastructure for scientific research; that is, the body of scientific thought and the tools for searching through it.
My office is just overflowing with books about witches and books about 17th-century animal husbandry and agricultural farm tools from the period.
As chefs, we work with organizations like Oxfam to enrich their projects with culinary tools, recipes and ideas.
My list of basic tools is a partial answer to the question about what has changed: Over the past few years, large numbers of programmers have come to depend on elaborate tools to interface code with systems facilities.
Pell Grants are, and have been, critically important tools in making higher education a possibility for lower- and middle-income students.
The content of most textbooks is perishable, but the tools of self-directedness serve one well over time.
A movie like 'Transcendence' may be pertinent in its political reverberations of all computer data held in a cloud and monitored by the NSA, but it also rails against the tools its makers so artfully employ.