He is the cheese to my macaroni.
I myself identify as a recovering Blockhead. You'd be surprised how many twenty- and thirty-something hipster chicks have the NKOTB skeleton in their closet, albeit artfully concealed by stacks of Ksubi skinny jeans and ironic Judas Priest T-shirts.
The public's appetite for frothy, flippant blondes has waned, but Paris Hilton still fascinates me.
I don't think coolness used to be such a commodity among adults. And now it is.
Honestly, this will never happen because she's so much classier than me, but I would love to work with Sofia Coppola.
For me, I am a huge fan of Sofia Coppola and Lynn Shelton. I love Lena Dunham, like everybody else. I love Kathryn Bigelow.
There's something magical about spending a Sunday night watching real people at a deli, then watching fake people pretending to be real on TV, then engaging in (arguably) false interaction with (arguably) real people on the Internet. Never at any prior point in time has this been possible.
Tabloid photos capture people at their most self-conscious and disoriented; in real life, Paris Hilton is like an elegant paper crane.
These days, the Rolling Stones still have an edge, but that fangs-out ferocity has mellowed considerably.
Hollywood is a perpetual summerland, a temperate, godless yaw where the very word 'season' has been co-opted by television executives. There are few harbingers of winter here.
Couture gowns are like gremlins; you can't expose them to bright light or get them wet.
I had the experience last year of directing my first feature while I had a 1-year-old son and while I was also pregnant, so I am now well aware of the difficulties women who are rearing children face when they're also trying to make headway in mainstream of film.
I'm not an especially highbrow person, but I have always loved small, quirky, edgy movies.
Whether it's a blatant homage or unconscious mimicry, the Rolling Stones have permanently, indelibly influenced how rock stars look and behave.
I do not quote my own movies. I think I would be pretty insufferable if I did.
Unfortunately I don't live by a Target now, so I just go to a regular Starbucks as opposed to a Starbucks nested inside a Target, which is my ideal situation. That works out for me. I like that white noise, those interruptions, and the people around me.
I really just love to open a blank document and spew, whereas with a screenplay I have to be more judicious.
I'm glad that as a 33-year-old working mother, I can still choose to wear a Hello Kitty T-shirt or stay up late scrolling through the Twitter feed of my junior-high crush.
I want Maggie Gyllenhaal. I don't know why. I don't think she necessarily looks like me or acts like me, I just think she's a cool actress and she could play me, so there you go.
Los Angeles is often described as the nadir of vapidity, a smog-choked space cradle.