Liberty is too precious a thing to be buried in books. Humans should hold it up in their hands every single day of their lives and say from the deepest fathoms of their soul – “I am free – to think – to speak – to act – the way a real, novel, civilized being should – my ancestors couldn’t, but I can, and my children will”.
Being holistic doesn't mean mumbling mystical mumbo-jumbo all the time, it means seeing the reality as it is, without giving in to either supernatural nonsense or intellectual arrogance.
In the land of liberty, the self and others are all one all-pervading system of magnificent harmony, but what keeps most humans to live in that land, is non-acceptance of their own self, which is a form of denial of the self - therefore, the first step is acceptance of the self.
Think – think without a hurry – think without the veil of labels and words – think without the involvement of the slightest bit of hypocritical self-deception - simply think.
Science is the most influential tool of progress in the world, not one among many, but most, yet no scientist had tried to use it as a primary tool for harmony. And I desired to accomplish precisely that. I didn’t want to popularize science, for there were and are already tons of scientists doing it. I wanted to use science in a way that would have direct humanitarian consequences in interhuman relationships.
I wouldn’t give 2 cents for all the fancy principles, doctrines, philosophies, sciences and institutions in the world, if behind them they didn’t have plain ordinary everyday conscience guiding them in the right direction.